10S74's class blog
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Friday, April 30, 2010

HIHI! heh. finally decided to add some life to the class blog.. hmm..not many posts yah..coz you all are probably supersuper busy( does that mean that i have too much time?? o.0). i have been wanting to put up a random post since last week but i procrastinate so much so that didn't happen. and today, cheryl woke me up from sleeping in the bus with an sms to remind me to post. =) much stuff has happened! firstly, to all those people who have competition, here's a BIG FAT jiayou to all of you guys! don't give up, ok coz the 10S74 spirit will always be with you!! FIGHTING!
speaking of which..gosh.i MISS being a PSL. it was so fun to cheer everyone on regardless whether you know them or not..

oh no..side tracking..ok. today we had five items! yeah man! NAPFA won't haunt me anymore! until next year comes lah..then NAPFA can suck my energy and A-levels and suck out my life..JC students lead such sad lives,right?? thank god we have awesome friends.^^

after that was break. darn funnaye..exploring erm..different sounds? all because of yong liang. first, blowing straws.then got weird voice.HAHA!*laughter explosion*

then, there was compre test. EPIC FAIL. i understand the passage but my mind just performed a mental block and the same went for integration..if my sec 4 maths teacher reads this, she is surely going to sit on me. and maybe get me to come back for 4 hours to do special maths `training'.pfft. i bet i would understand more if mrs toh was the one who was teaching the topic..

oh..then it was CT session..OMG. it was the bio teacher. not just ANY bio teacher, THE bio teacher. the one that will `help to develop your photographic memory'.LOL. note to self: ensure that i will NEVER get into any trouble with her, this year or next year. she just scares me. and the fact that she was talking about A-level stuff just magnifies her scariness.

anyways, bio test is next week =.=
seriously, are we NOT allowed to have a life? *sigh*

plus, don't forget that we have class outing tomorrow! i bet it's goint o be funnnn! i'm sad that i can't go. =((( have fun all those people who are going! enjoy the 3-day weekend y'all!!

oh yah..just one random thing..what does (Y) mean?? o.O
heheh.since i have decided to quit procrastinating, i shall go do my bio tutoriOMG! there's a new video on super junior on youtube!!!! aiyah.heck my bio tutorial. tomorrow or monday can do right??? ;D plus i should go update my blog too.cheers!


7:17 PM

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

=( why does no one blog on the class blog!

Thinking back, we've been together as a class for maybe 2 months, close to 3 months now. =) The feeling we have now is definitely very very different (but in a positive way) from the start haha. No more awkwardness. Plus now we sit with different people during lectures all the time without feeling weird! =) =) =) which is definitely a gooooood thing.

Okay now for today's homework! =)

We went through the food test practical during bio tutorial and did an enzymes worksheet in class. =) For chem tutorial we did an un-graded quiz on gaseous state and ideal gases.

Econs lecture we went through the new lecture notes and also our lecture test. For maths we had the differentiation quiz and another quiz. =( So we didn't actually do much work today. =)

Tomorrow is the GP COMPRE TEST, so be prepared! =) I think that's all. Jiayou for NAPFA five stations tomorrow too!

6:02 PM

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hi all! I'm feeling bored here, so I decided to give my manga a break and spam here (although I am supposed to be chionging my PI, mug for Chem Bonding quiz, do Econs tutorial, and finish my long over-due Bio tutorial on Enzymes).

I think I have the cannot-do-anything-productive-after-a-day-of-play syndrome. I woke up (and after rushing to the washroom due to diarrhoea - the consequence of drinking too much curry yesterday), found myself unable to concentrate and kept thinking about STJ. It seems like a long break after the long weeks of chionging tutorial after tutuorial after tutuorial. I really enjoyed myself, so I am looking forward to JTS now! (Thanks a lot for the wonderful STJ, seniors! I haven't had so much fun in ages) -- or maybe it is that I just really needed a break, but that's a plus point, right :) Ppl who took pictures and videos, upload them on facebook k!

Through this STJ, I have come to conclusion that it is healthy to have more gift-exchanges. This way, I won't feel guilty about buying stuff, and I get stuff in return. Although, of course, this would serve to deplete the resources in my pocket severely. Thanks Angel (sorry, it seems I have forgotten your name again) for the baby piglet - the softtoy version. I have been showing it off to my younger sis till she rolled her eyes and ignored me. HAHA I guess I still have a weak spot for soft toys. And thanks Kim Yung (my Mortal) for the bottle - it's really cute :) I've been living on mineral water bottles, so I guess I shall change that habit of mine. I had the chocolates given to me for breakfast this morning, since I could not find anything breakfast-ish after ransaking the refrigerator.

Not sure whether everyone is choinging homework (like I am supposed to be doing), or slacking off (like I AM doing). I think I really should attempt to be more guai and do my work.... but hey, it's Sunday. Shall go and see if I can bring myself to do work. If not, I shall attempt to do so after watching some anime :) All the best to mugging everyone! (especially after STJ) Hope you do better than me, anyway. XD

Here's to STJ! Let's make out JTS unforgettable as well :)

Jia Xin

2:21 PM

Thursday, April 22, 2010

To all the sick people (Chong We, Abigail, Pei-yu), GET WELL SOOOOOOOOOON! And to Zong Xian, good luck for floorball!

Since we have so many missing peoples I'll give a quick summary of what happened today, starting from assembly!

Environment Week is from today till 28th April, and Joven and Yuh Chyi are representing our class in the Environment Amazing Race, so we must cheer them on! GO JOVEN AND YUH CHYI!! =)

Athena announced their fac outing, which is on 3rd May at supperclub, for those who are interested in crashing. I dunno how much it costs.

The choir is holding their concert "Voices in Flight" at the UCC on 15th May 2010. Tickets are going at $18, $25 and $36 but HC students get to buy tickets at $15. The order form is still with me so tell me if you wanna go okay =) SUPPORT SUAT YING AND WANXIN!!

Also, guitar ensemble's concert "Il Bacio" tickets are still up for sale at $6! It'll be held at the school audi on 7th May! The order form must be in by tomorrow, so do tell me if you want to buy tickets too! SUPPORT PEI-YU!!! =)

For bio tutorial, we finished going through structured questions, I think (or almost finished) and we handed in the tutorial (enzymes).

For chem tutorial we went through some more of it, and stopped at the question 12(a). Then we had this extra worksheet thing on solubility. Chong We's is kept by Shien Yang, Pei-yu's with me and Zong Xian and Abigail's with Kairou. =) So you know who to look for haha. Chem class test on bonding has been postponed, but it'll still be sometime next week. Also, lecture test is on 1oth May, and it tests everything, even energetics (MCQ only, I think) so you might want to start mugging now. =)

We finished Market Failure (part 1) in econs lecture today, so we'll be getting new notes next week. =) Econs Lecture Quiz Review (they call it a quiz lol) will be next Thurs during lecture. Eeks.

During maths we went through questions in the diff tutorial that we didn't know how to do, so I think we went through until question 6. Yups. We're having lecture test (chapters 2 to 4) on 11th May, so study hard! Also, we might be having make-up lessons on Tues @A314/Reading Room 3 to 4 and/or on Thurs @B218 after maths tutorial because our maths tutor has to fly overseas to present at conferences. =(

For those who are interested in knowing, we voted for fac comm during break today. YING LIN is running for FAC HEAD by the way, so MUST SUPPORT HER! =)

Those who are interested in running for DANCE IC or PUB IC or SPORTS IC (I think can run for sports IC?) PLEASE TELL ME ASAP IN SOME WAY OR THE OTHER SO THAT I CAN PASS YOU THE APPLICATION FORM! THANK YOUS!

Other than that...2.4km is tomorrow, and I know lots of us have the flu, but let's do our best anyway okay? =) If you feel sick, PLEASE DON'T RUN! You can be our cheerleader cheering for us from the sidelines okay? =)

Homework List:
  1. GP compre thing on "sexy branding" of Singapore
  2. Differentiation tutorial 4A (though you're supposed to have finished it!)
  3. Chem tutorial on gaseous law thingy
  4. Start doing bio tutorial on DNA
  5. Econs tutorial until after the essay thing...I forgot what page! =( Was it 5 or 6?
  8. Chemystery individual self-evaluation thingy on ISP + indiv reflection??? (not sure)
Okay I think that's all. Subject reps please correct me if I'm wrong because my memory has been failing me lately bleh.

Get well soon! STJ is THIS Saturday, don't forget!


4:52 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We have two events coming up: GUITAR CONCERT and AMAZING RACE (by Green Club).

For the guitar concert, it's $6 per ticket on 7th May at the school auditorium.

The amazing race thing we're supposed to send 2 participants and it's next Wednesday after school, I think, two hours long.

Do sms me or tell me somehow if you want to participate in any of the two! Thanks! (Cheryl)

The most recently updated homework list:
  1. Econs tutorial 8! The essay outline for question 2b on pg 2, and I think pg 8 also must do...(is it pg 8? I forgot to write down.) To be done by Weds.
  2. Enzymes structured questions to be done by tomorrow, essays to be done by Thurs
  3. The remainder of Chemystery - the indiv reflection? Due next Mon
  4. Maths entire diff tutorial by Thurs
  5. GPP due on Fri
  6. FINAL PI!!! due next MONDAY
  7. GP article compre thing due next GP lesson (Friday, I think)
Okay think that's all. Jiayou jiayou! =)

7:05 PM

Monday, April 19, 2010

Here's the attendance list for STJ in case any of you were wondering. =) Please inform me if there are any changes to be made, especially the "check first" people! =) Oh btw the u thing in the table is a tick...the formatting can't be shown on Blogger =(


Can go to Sentosa

Can go for dinner

Can stay overnight













Chong We





























Check first







Kai Rou






Check first




Check first






Shien Yang








Suat Ying








Wei Quan

Check first

Check first






Ying Lin

Check first

Check first


Yong Liang



Check first! Most likely X

Yuh Chyi




Zong Xian



Check first



15 ticks

1 tick

And here's the homework list as far as I remember:
  1. GPP (due this Fri)
  2. GP one para reflection on Newsweek article (due Tues aka tomorrow)
  3. Maths differentiation tutorial (due Thurs)
  4. Enzymes tutorial (asap, I guess)
  5. Chemystery reflection (next week, I think)
  6. Tutorial on gaseous pressure (whenever it comes)
  7. Presents for your angel and mortal!
Please do help to keep the class blog alive! =) Thanks!


8:32 PM

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hiya...some announcements to make! =)

There's a project called Project Echolocation, with the Singapore Associaton of the Visually Handicapped as the beneficiary. It's an inter-JC project, and it's the first ever concert that involves blindfolds. It'll be held on 23rd April at 7.30pm at our school auditorium. The concert features SG Wonderful, freelance soloists and our own peers. Each ticket costs $10.

They've also produced a CD which is selling at $10, but you'll get a discounted price of $8 if you buy the ticket too. Bands in the CD include Fire Away Samson!; The Fire Flight; Exdee and many more. Songs are exclusively composed for this cause.

Yup so if you want to go, do tell me. =) The form is with me now.

There's a chem test next next Monday (26 april) on chem bonding.

Okay sleepy. =) Nightnight!

12:42 AM

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yo ^^

Because I got sian of PI and I'm going to fail bio anyway, I decided to type out the homework list haha. Also, we shall all do our best to ensure that this blog stays alive until we graduate right? =)

So here's what I remember of it so far (please help me edit it if it's wrong):
  1. PW PI Draft 2 (due tomorrow)
  2. Enzymes tutorial (next Weds)
  3. The polar bear worksheet thing for chem (next Mon, I think)
  4. Chemystery presentation (next Mon)
  5. Differentiation tutorial Q1-Q5 (next maths tut)
  6. GP exercise book (next Thurs?)
Test list
  1. BIO LECTURE TEST on everything until proteins (next Mon at LT3!)
Okay I feel like killing myself already. And because I'm going to die anyway I'll link those whose blog adds I know okay? =) If you want me to link you you can tag on the board and tell me or something...alternatively you can link yourself! =)



5:22 PM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi! =)

As you can probably tell, this is our new class blog! ^^ It shall be a platform for us to discuss stuff, post homework lists etc. so that we can hopefully avoid spam emails. So please check the blog as frequently as you can! I have emailed everyone the username and password, so do feel free to blog as much as you want to.

There's some stuff that I need to clarify!

Those who are unable to attend:

Those who can attend the later half (i.e. dinner):
Suat Ying
Yong Liang

Those who are unsure as of yet:
Wei Quan

Everyone else can attend the full thing, right?

If I have made any mistake in the list, or if you suddenly cannot/can make it, please tell me asap so that I can inform the seniors! They want to know how many of us can make it sooooooon. Thanks! =)

STJ will be held at Thai Accent at Vivocity (the food part). And there are two questions!
  1. They're asking us if we can go to sentosa in the afternoon.
  2. Also, how many people are okay with staying overnight at one of the senior's house in potong pasir?
Do tag your replies or sms me or email me or spam me on messenger on something to tell me your answer! Thanks! =)

Fac Outing
Things to take note of:
  1. Please be early so that you can take part in the fac hunk and fac babe voting which should start around 7:30pm.
  2. Bring junk food if you want to, but no drinks (not sure why)
  3. Bring picnic mats to sit on if you don't wanna sit on sand
Oh and is our dress code thing still on? Last I heard of it, it was something like this:

Guys: centre-parting, suspenders, geek glasses
Girls: cross-dress?, tie hair in two ponytails

Feel free to add on! =) We appreciate constructive input.

And if you have any other comments on the blog, do feel free to air them too!



*edits are in italics

4:34 PM